De Catalunya vinc: Catalan Art Songs of the XX Century


De Catalunya vinc... offers an essential journey into understanding Catalan culture, history, and sensibility in which the art song serves as a mirror in which society and its values are reflected at different points in history. Songs by Enric Morera (1865-1942),  Jaume Pahissa (1880-1969), Eduard Toldrà (1895-1962), Frederic Mompou (1893-1987) and Carlota Garriga (1937).  

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De Catalunya vinc... offers an essential journey into understanding Catalan culture, history, and sensibility in which the art song serves as a mirror in which society and its values are reflected at different points in history. Songs by Enric Morera (1865-1942),  Jaume Pahissa (1880-1969), Eduard Toldrà (1895-1962), Frederic Mompou (1893-1987) and Carlota Garriga (1937).  

De Catalunya vinc... offers an essential journey into understanding Catalan culture, history, and sensibility in which the art song serves as a mirror in which society and its values are reflected at different points in history. Songs by Enric Morera (1865-1942),  Jaume Pahissa (1880-1969), Eduard Toldrà (1895-1962), Frederic Mompou (1893-1987) and Carlota Garriga (1937).  

JAUME PAHISSA, 1880-1969

1. Rosa - 1'03''

ENRIC MORERA, 1865-1942

2. Melangia - 2'43''

EDUARD TOLDRÀ, 1895-1962

3. Camins de fada - 1'40'' 4. Festeig - 2'39''
5. Menta i farigola - .46'' 6. Recança - 1'55''

7. Abril - 2'03''
8. Cançó de passar cantant - 2'23'' 9. Romanç de Santa Llúcia - 1'56''

La rosa als llavis

10. I. Si anessis tan lluny - 1'53''
11. II. Mocador d ́olor - 1'20''
12. III. I el seu esguard - 1'56''
13. IV. I el vent deixava dintre la rosella - 1'46'' 14. V. Seré a ta cambra amiga - 2'49''

15. VI. Visca l ́amor - 1'25'

FREDERIC MOMPOU, 1893-1987 Combat del Somni

16. I. Damunt de tu no més les flors - 4'25'' 17. II. Aquesta nit un mateix vent - 3'01'' 18. III. Jo et pressentia com la mar - 1'54''

19. Neu - 2'36''

Tres cançons del Combat del Somni

20. I. Ja no seràs mai més record - 4'09'' 21. II. Les teves nits - 3'23''
22. III. Voldria veure en els teus ulls - 3'34''

23. El cant dels ocells - 3'