Brazilian Art Song Anthology


An opportunity to discover an amazingly beautiful repertoire with all the resources you need to achieve accurate interpretations. The book contains 25 songs, a bilingual (Portuguese, English) introductory study contextualizing the genre, a guide to Brazilian Portuguese diction, phonetic transcription of sung Brazilian Portuguese (BP), and poetry translations into English. Edited by Flavio Mello and Carol McDavit. 200 pg.

Click here to read a review published in the Journal of Singing.

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An opportunity to discover an amazingly beautiful repertoire with all the resources you need to achieve accurate interpretations. The book contains 25 songs, a bilingual (Portuguese, English) introductory study contextualizing the genre, a guide to Brazilian Portuguese diction, phonetic transcription of sung Brazilian Portuguese (BP), and poetry translations into English. Edited by Flavio Mello and Carol McDavit. 200 pg.

Click here to read a review published in the Journal of Singing.

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An opportunity to discover an amazingly beautiful repertoire with all the resources you need to achieve accurate interpretations. The book contains 25 songs, a bilingual (Portuguese, English) introductory study contextualizing the genre, a guide to Brazilian Portuguese diction, phonetic transcription of sung Brazilian Portuguese (BP), and poetry translations into English. Edited by Flavio Mello and Carol McDavit. 200 pg.

Click here to read a review published in the Journal of Singing.

For licenses related to audio and video recordings contact


Listen to Dr. Patricia Caicedo interviewing the authors of the book, Carol McDavit and Flavio Mello, talking about the book, its contexts, and research process.

It is not surprising that hundreds of art song composers and poets emerged in such a rich, diverse, and stimulating environment. Nor is it surprising that cultural diversity and hybridization are expressed in Brazilian art songs: African, indigenous, and European elements coexist in it, making this repertoire one of the world's richest.

For classical singers, the eclecticism of the Brazilian vocal repertoire offers multiple possibilities of pedagogical study and vocal performance. This publication represents an opportunity to discover an amazingly beautiful repertoire with all the resources you need to achieve accurate interpretations because the album provides the phonetic transcription of sung Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and the translations of the poetry into English.


Apresentando a coleção de música vocal ibérica e latino-americana /Introducing the Latin American and Spanish Vocal Music Collection 

I. Introdução / Introductory study

Prefácio  de Patricia Caicedo / Foreword by Patricia Caicedo  

  • Agradecimentos  / Acknowledgments  .

  • Apresentação / Foreword 

  • Introdução da canção brasileira / Introduction to Brazilian art song 

  • Glossário  /Glossary

  • Dicção lírica e transcrição fonética do português brasileiro  / Lyric diction and phonetic transcription of Brazilian Portuguese

  • Referências/ Bibliography.

II. Poesia, Transcrição fonética e partituras / Poems, Phonetic transcription & scores

  • Canções  / Songs .

  • Poesía e transcrição fonética / Poems & Phonetic transcription

III.  Índice de canções / Song index

  1. Coração para alugar   - Music: Joao Luiz de Almeida Cunha (Cunha dos Passarinhos) - poem: Castro Lopes   

  2. Acho bom, mas moro longe - Music: Joao Luiz de Almeida Cunha (Cunha dos Passarinhos) - poem: Castro Lopes 

  3. Quantas vezes eu procuro - Music: S. P. Lobo

  4. Se queres saber a causa - Music: Joaquim Manoel da Câmara

  5. Estas lágrimas - Music: Joaquim Manoel da Câmara                  

  6. Meu destino é imudável - Music: Gabriel Fernandes da Trindade

  7. A vida e a morte - Music: Francisco de Sa Noronha

  8. O meu credo - Music: Francisco de Sa Noronha

  9. Xic xic xoc - Music: Januario da Silva Arvelos Filho

  10. Uma chaga me abriste no peito - Music: Januario da Silva Arvelos Filho

  11. Nestas praias de límpidas areias - Music: Januario da Silva Arvelos Filho

  12. Suspiro d’alma - Music: Carlos Gomes

  13. Pescador da barquinha - Music: Brasílio ltiberê da Cunha

  14. Cordão de prata - Music: Brasílio ltiberê da Cunha

  15. A fiandeira - Music: Francisca (Chiquinha) Gonzaga

  16. Por amor de uns olhos: Music: Antônio Carlos dos Reis Rayol Poem: Antônio Francisco Leal Lobo (Antonio Lobo)

  17. Analogia - Music:Abdon Felinto Milanez Poem: Honório de Carvalho

  18. A florista - Music: Ernesto Nazareth

  19. Feitiço não mata - Music: Ernesto Nazareth

  20. Xácara - Music: Alberto Nepomuceno

  21. Sentimento oculto - Music: Anacleto Augusto de Medeiros Poem: Catulo da Paixão Cearense

  22. Recorda-te de mim - Music: Catulo da Paixão Cearense

  23. Desafio - Music: Ernani Braga

  24. Ogum Kalaxó - Music: Ernani Braga

  25. Saci Pererê - Music: Jose Aimbere de Almeida Poem: Arnaldo Barcelos

    This Anthology is the result of a research project begun in 2018 in the Master's Program in Performance Practices (PROEMUS) of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) and was developed due to the lack of an anthology of Brazilian art song at the national and international level. The repertoire in this album was selected from the digital collection provided by the research group APHECAB – Collection of Sheet Music Hermelindo Castello Branco. Many of the chosen works were in manuscript form and the musical content was challenging to decipher. We analyzed and edited all these songs.

    The eclecticism of the Brazilian vocal repertoire offers multiple possibilities of pedagogical study and vocal performance. The album provides the phonetic transcription of sung Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and the translation into English. The main objective of the phonetic transcription is to indicate the pronunciation of the language for speakers of other languages. It also helps with lyric diction, bringing attention to the points of articulation and sound production in the vocal tract and promoting the standardization of phoneme emission. The translation of the collection into English facilitates the foreign reader’s understanding of the album’s proposal and the textual content of the songs. We chose to maintain the musical terms in the scores used by the composer. A glossary is provided with definitions of musical and Brazilian Portuguese terms which are used throughout the text and in the poems.

    The songs in this album were composed within a span of about one hundred and fifty years, between 1800 and 1950 approximately. We will therefore limit this panorama of the song to that period. The continuation of the history of Brazilian art song will be saved for the second anthology of songs!

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